Mini Storage . Mini Box2833 9111

Refund Guarntee

14 Days Refund Guarantee

Our 14 days refund guarantee would give you time to ensure that you are satisfied with your order. Please let us know if you would like to get refund from our services.

Terms & Conditions:

1.  Our 14-day refund guarantee only applies to new customer (first online payment) with U SPACE only.
2. Customers can request a refund if the mini-warehouse selected on the online store is not suitable.
3.  Customers may submit a refund request within 14 days of online payment.
4. Customers shouldn’t have used the storage service within 14 days of online payment.
5. Customers should visit our stores and submit the refund application form (with the refund reasons) in person.
6. The license fee you paid will be returned to you within 30 days by cheque after we received the form.
7. U SPACE reserves its right to cancel or amend the Terms of Service as required by law without prior notice to the customer. The customer shall be responsible for reviewing the Terms of Services prior to the confirmation of any order.
8. In case of any disputes, U SPACE reserves the final decision.
9. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and the English versions of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

For any enquires, please contact us by email or make a call to our customer hotline.

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